Oh, the joys of youth and innocence...?
I've made one post each month to this blog since I started...rather pathetic really. I'm feeling a certain disconnect from life in general... over the last couple of months. It could be the emotional numbing effect of summertime - although I am not really feelin' the general joie le vivre around. I find winter depressing and I do get a nauseating dose of SADS for the duration - I won't go there, its not pretty. When the seasons finally change I seem to experience a strange back to life resurrection... -amazes me to no end.
On the bright side it does makes me nostalgic for simpler times - when I was young feckless and rather naive. Sigh! How I wish for those innocent times... I wonder how i would have turned out - 'if I knew then what I know now'? Hmm... one of those philosophical questions that baffle me - another one that comes to mind, is where did we all come from? - the big bang theory notwithstanding - how do you resolve the contemplation of nothingness....? I digress - Anyway some of the the things I would have loved to have known include:
What my vocation really was/is - I hold a number of post graduate degrees in different diciplines and let me not even count the diplomas, certificates et al in... - yes you guessed right - a myriad number of proficiencies - I do wear many hats which I must confess is not a bad thing I suppose.
What to look for in a mate - I can hardly consider the men in my past relationships as soul mates- well to be honest I still don't know.
Cultivate a long term saving habit as early as possible - When i think of all the money i have spent on...! Although... I'm not doing too badly recently... and considering...who am i fooling anyway?
Well, guess I had better throw this out to you out there - I'm sure I have more wishes to muse over but they don't come readily to mind at the moment. What would you have loved to know then that you know now?